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「傑斯」認煽動及洗黑錢 4 罪 指還押後成教徒學會寬恕 自撰及女兒求情信全文

「傑斯」認煽動及洗黑錢 4 罪 求情指還押後成教徒學會寬怒 聞女兒求情信啜泣


網台 D100 主持人「傑斯」尹耀昇,被指在節目中發表特首「死全家」等言論,又發起涉支援因示威離港者的眾籌計劃,周四(1 日)在區域法院承認一項串謀作出具煽動意圖的作為罪,及三項洗黑錢罪,涉款約 1,032 萬元。(另見報道)

辯方大律師關文渭即日求情,呈上多封求情信,提到傑斯還押逾 1 年半期間,天主教香港教區榮休主教陳日君樞機持續為他「慕道」,令尹成為了天主教徒。

關文渭又讀出其女兒的求情信,指父親為了讓她有更好的童年,放棄夢想,努力工作,又鼓勵她追夢。當讀至「 I am blessed to call this honorable man my father(我有幸稱這正人君子為父親)」時,傑斯雙眼泛紅啜泣。





自 2021 年被還押至今,這是我人生裡最刻骨銘心的歲月,也是一個很寶貴的機會,給我靜下心來,回望自己人生走過的路,總結一下,做出反思。我相信這是天主父為我的安排,要我放下憤怒、怒恨、自我、驕傲,重新去學習寬恕、苦痛,去認識自己的無能、卑微,更重要的是:記起全能的上帝,我的天主父,沒有了祂,一切都變得沒有意義!








Dear Honorable Judge,

I am the daughter of Edmund Wan. My father, as a radio host, has led a fairly public life in recent years. Therefore, I am writing to attest for his character in his personal life at home, in which he has always been a supportive and devoted father to me.

I am currently in my second year of Master in Music Therapy. I would never have been able to achieve my accomplishments without my father’s unconditional support and inspiration. Ever since a young child, he never expected me to follow the traditional career path. He has only one wish for me, which is to follow my aspirations. Therefore, when I wanted to become a music therapist in high school, an occupation that was not mainstream in Hong Kong, my dad still supported and encouraged me to follow my passions. He has inspired me to make a positive difference in people’s life, to help those in need and to bring human warmth to the abandoned.

Friends of my father would describe him as generous and caring for the community and I could not agree with them more. Indeed, my father has made sacrifices for the sake of our family. In his younger years, he gave up his artistic pursuits for a more stable job so that he can provide a better childhood for me. At the same time, he often reminds me the principle of ‘sharing is caring’. He wanted to make sure that I never take anything for granted and I should also learn to share my fortunes with the less fortunate ones.

My family comes from humble background. My parents and I are close knitted and have always been each other’s support system. We lead a simple life amongst the city’s hustle. Life has not been easy without my father by our side. Especially when I was just starting my studies abroad, it was difficult for my mother and grandparents to face the empty nests.

Throughout my life, he has been more than a father figure to me. He is my friend, confidant, and mentor. I am blessed to call this honorable man my father. I am proud to have witnessed my father’s spiritual growth during his time in Stanley prison. Becoming a Catholic has strengthened his will to do good in life and continue helping people in all walks of life. I sincerely hope your Honor could kindly show my father leniency as to allow our family to reunite as soon as possible.

DCCC 615/2021

HK$180 歡迎自由定價!

