47 名民主派被控「串謀顛覆國家政權」罪一案,第四批罪成被告、初選時參選九西、超區及衞服界的 9 人,周三(10 日)開始處理求情。
岑又指,與妻子分隔逾 3 年,對她的愛「並未隨時間流逝而逐漸流逝,反而每天變得更深厚和強烈。現時我內心每一刻的最大願望,就是回到我們的家,與她共度歲月。」
庭上|毛孟靜盼與夫度「餘下時間」 何啟明被捕後續跟進主教山
法院外|無罪李予信旁聽:喺度一齊面對 何啟明友:出面等你
和太太分隔逾 3 年,我對她的愛並未隨時間流逝而逐漸流逝,反而每天變得更深厚和強烈。現時我內心每一刻的最大願望,就是回到我們的家,與她共度歲月。這就是我這個魯莽、愚蠢的人,對她無條件的愛和支持能做的回報…
Upon voluntary terms, I have been placed under solitary confinement since I was taken into jail custody…Prior to my arrest, I had been a political activist for some years with a self-perceived goal of creating a more just, egalitarian and liberal society and political institution.
I figured out that some underlying causes of my political participations were not as “bright” as they may appear to be. I was a person filled with anger; worse still, anger sometimes evolved into hatred or resentments, which occasionally fueled some drives of my political acts, rhetoric and utterances.
…with the love of my wife, I gradually realize that anger, not to mention hatred or resentments could lead the world and myself to absolute nowhere, at least nowhere bright, shining, constructive or loving.
Moreover, having been quite an influential political figure and district councillor at the time being, the public had placed hopes upon me to serve the public. Not only did my actions contradict that purpose, but since being remanded in jail custody I have not been able to continue to serve the public. To those who looked up to me to be a responsible public figure, I have let them down, and for that I am deeply remorseful, regretful and deeply apologetic.
Having been separated from my lovely wife for more than three years, my love did not fade away gradually with the passage of time but becomes deeper and stronger bit by bit daily…The greatest wish at every single moment in my mind now is to return to the home…and to spend all my time with her. This is all this reckless and foolish man can return her for her unconditional love and support although the sorrow, pain and loneliness I brought to her for these years could never be compensated.
I understand that I committed a serious crime. I understand that an imprisonment with substantial length is inevitable and I am willing to accept all the consequences…I just humbly pray that the sentence would not deprive me of the opportunity to perform penance for my family.